
Thursday, 14 January 2016

10 Channel Youtubers yang Famous paling aku suka!!

Assalamualaikum and Hi Everyone!

Hehe Ajet2 ckp org puteh la pulak ahak :P

Oke Gaiss harini aq nak share dngn korang 10 Channel Youtubers yg aq paling paling paling lah sukaa sgt tgokk ><  Haa nk tahu tak ? Jom usha kat bawah uhuhu..

First place is....

At the first place is. . .

Channel's Name: Zoella
Her name was Zoe Elizabeth Sugg
She was known as Zoella from her Channel Zoella
She has one brother known as Joe Sugg
Born on March 29 1990 (age 25)
and She was dating with Alfie Deyes too xD

The second one is..

Channel's Name: ThatcherJoe
His Name was Joseph Graham Sugg
He was a brother of Zoella ><
He was known as Joe Sugg
Born on September, 9 ,1991 (age 24)
and He is a British Youtuber same as her sis.

Next is Third place

Channel's Name : Caspar
His name was Caspar Richard George Lee
He was known as Capar Lee
One of the famous Youtuber
Born on April 24 1994 (age 21)
He has a sister name Theodore Lee
He is also a British Youtuber too ^^

Fourth Place is..

Channel's Name: PointlessBlog
His name was Alfie Deyes
He was known as Alfie
He is also Date with Zoella since 2014 untill now
Born on September 17 1993 (age 22)

Fifth place

Channel Name: RomanAtWood
His name was Roman Bernard Atwood
He is an American
Born on May 29 1983 (age 32)
He had a childrens Name Noah and Kane
Now date with Brittney Smith

On a Sixth place 

Channel's Name: RclBeauty101
Her name was Rachel Levin
Post a video about Beauty and Lifestyle
Born on February 24 1995 ( age 20)
She was dating with Isaac Nakash

Seventh Place 

Channel's Name: Adam Saleh
His name was Adam Mohsin Yehya Saleh
He was a Muslim Youtubers and he also an American
Born at Brooklyn New York City 
Associated with Munzy Strager, Sheikh Akbar and Karim Metwaly

Eight Place

Channel's Name: FouseyTube
His name was Yousef Saleh Erakat
He also a Muslim Youtubers and he was a Palestinian-American
Born on January 22 1990 ( age 25)

Nineth Place

Channel's Name: PrankvsPrank
They were known as Jeana and Jesse
Jeana was born on March 15 1983 (age 32)
Jesse was born on September 25 1982 (age 33)
They were a Couple since 2005 until now
They had a Best Youtube Channel that can make we smile :P

Tenth place

Channel's Name:Ahmed & Wajeeh
They were known as Mahmood Brother
On the left one was Wajeeh and the right one is Ahmed
They were Muslim Youtubers
Ahmed was born on March 3 1993 (age 22)
Wajeeh was Born on June 21 1995 (age 20)

Ehem!! Dah usha belom ? Huhu . Cane, brminat tak ?
Haa cubelah try duluu tgokk mmg konfem tak kering gusi lah *wink*

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